Preliminary Information

  • Liv Behrens:
    • Schedule Overview: Generally available towards the evening
    • Special Commitments: Work
    • Special Skills: Photoshop
  • Peter Hollander:
    • Schedule Overview: Generally available towards the evening, not the weekend
    • Special Commitments: Sports
    • Special Skills: Good writer
  • Teiheim Edwards:
    • Schedule Overview: Generally available towards the evening
    • Special Commitments: Dance
    • Special Skills: Research, Video Editing

Guiding Principles

  • Empathy. Understanding people and contexts that we did not grow up around require us to exercise empathy.
  • Respect. Everyone deserves requires and deserves respect. Demanding respect and acknowledgement is vital to our project.
  • Creativity. Never be afraid to propose an idea that is out there or tangential. Often something pivotal towards our goal can be learned.
  • Communicate and Collaborate. In order to effectively communicate and plan for the project, every member must remember that not everyone shares their prospective so me must thoroughly explain what we feel and what we see.

Preliminary Focus on Purpose

  • It is often hard to create political action around people who do not have the expertise and a problem that moves relatively slowly. We want to arm these people with the information and resources to protect themselves and their homes.

Dividing up the Teamwork

  • Group roles shall rotate and are never fixed. That being said we recognize that as people with different strengths and weaknesses, we may gravitate to similar positions at different points.
    • Notetaker - During meetings, this member will be responsible for maintaining notes of work described for each member in the following week and their responsibilities. They will also keep note of decisions made.
    • Web Developer - This member be responsible for maintaining and editing the github website. They are not responsible for the design of the website, but they are responsible for expressing the designs on the website.
    • Aestheticist - This member is largely responsible for logos and most considerations regarding more detailed decisions on colors.
    • Members at Large - All members will do their best to express themselves and return this same space to others. They are also required to try their best to communicate their feelings are decisions made for the project so that we may understand each other’s perspective.

Like a certain character said: “My Friends are My Power”

Dividing a Team Plan

  • Equal measurable units are the ideal way of dividing labor, but largely impossible. Tasks shall primarily be divided along the lines of enthusiasm, skill, and then time for the week. We all have high and not-as-high ebbs and flows of work so in the inevitable event that a task is simpler, we will allocate that task to the person with the least amount of time.

Meeting Management

  • Due to scheduling Meetings will be at approximately 8:30 on Tuesdays at least. If a second meeting is required then it will be at 8:30 on Wednesday. Other meetings are setup as needed. Attendance is required, with prior notice if something prevents a member from joining. Assigning tasks are to be the primary focus of meetings. Accountability Processes
  • Due to the frequent nature of check-ins with the professor, these serve as good checkpoints as they occur often.

Rewards and Punishments

  • Rewards: Paresky Snack Bar
    • We all have busy schedules. Upon failure we will only be only figuring how to better work with them to make sure our task is accomplished. Punishing ourselves any further wouldn’t be productive.


  • Revision will happen as often as necessary. The problems will always arise and the Team Contract needs to be mutable as possible as we learn more about each other and ourselves.